Thursday, August 2, 2012

Florida tastes Boston

This past weekend, Nate's friend Mike from Florida visited Boston for the first time. We took him around Cambridge and Boston to give him an overview of the city. Mike's enthusiasm for everything made the trip even more fun -- it was great to see his reaction.

We rode the trains into Cambridge to show Mike Harvard University and Harvard Square.

Mike and Nate in Harvard -- very color coordinated!

Tradition dictates that visitors should touch the foot of John Harvard, but Nate told us the rushing frat boys pee on the foot, so Mike avoided physical contact.

Harvard library

Mike needs some ass stance.

Mike is majoring in Journalism, hence this picture. Now he can say he went to Harvard's writing program -- he went, took a picture, and left. :P

Of course, a mandatory visit to Newbury Comics, a quirky store with music, toys, and books.


I made them go to a Japanese/anime store across the hall from Newbury Comics -- Kait found this awesomely adorable hat!

The best part of the night was by far the cozy, personal concert performed by Kait and Mike. Both are amazing musicians and sang original acoustic songs. I was blown away!

Mike enjoying Kait's beautiful singing.

Nate listening and working hard on his poster for his research.

Saturday we went into Boston -- See the video at the top of this post for full coverage! I'm really happy with how it turned out.


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