This year, when people wish me happy birthday, they ask me what it feels like to no longer be an adult. I feel no different. My body is young and healthy, my mind is clear, and I still feel the same youthful exuberance that I've felt since my later teen years.
Right now, age is just a number. I have friends who are older and younger than me and in my eyes they are the same. Though I view the world through shades painted during my life experience, I often still manage to view people as people, as equals with equal potential.
This year some friends and I went to Honey Pot Apple Orchard to celebrate my birthday.
We found a beautiful spot in the orchard and took many photos together.
It is experiences like these -- exploring and living in the moment with people you love -- that will be what I remember from my college years.
Later that evening we ate frozen yogurt and ice cream.
To my friends: You are all so important in my life and you have taught me volumes of what it means to be constant through highs and lows. Thank you for all the joy you bring to my life and I look forward to the next few years together...